Southwest Cancellation Policy 24 Hours Guide

How to cancel your reservations easily with Southwest Airlines

Cancelling reservations is no longer a hectic task after the introduction of online cancellation services. However, to avoid any issues with the online cancellation process, it is required that the passengers have complete details about the policy of cancellation.

And for those who have booked reservations with Southwest Airlines and wish to cancel their booking, here they will be offered with the complete details on Southwest cancellation policy 24 hours. So, passengers are suggested to read the provided pointers carefully to avoid issues with cancellation.

Cancellation policy of Southwest Airlines

  • For the passengers who have booked online reservations with the airline, they are offered with an option to cancel their booking before the departure.
  • And to claim a full refund for the cancellation, it is required that the flight ticket is cancelled within 24 hours of the original purchase.
  • Further, it is required that the flight ticket was booked one week or more before the departure to claim a full refund.
  • The cancellation charges for the reservation can vary with the reservation type.

Cancelling reservations with Southwest Airlines

  • For cancelling the reservation, the passengers need to visit the flight cancellation page.
  • After that, they are required to provide the reservation details to retrieve the booking and cancel their booking with the airline.

Besides, for queries regarding cancellation policy and process, contact the airline reservation department for assistance.